Sortie de MacOS X 10.4.2
Écrit le 12/07/2005 @ 23:01 par Drizzt
Apple a rendu disponible, ce soir, la mise à jour à 10.4.2 de MacOS X Tiger.
The 10.4.2 Update delivers overall improved reliability and compatibility for Mac OS X v10.4 and is recommended for all users. It includes fixes for:
- file sharing using AFP and SMB/CIFS network file services
- single sign-on authentication and reliable access to Active Directory servers
- autologin for managed user accounts
- AirPort and wireless access
- Core Graphics, Core Audio, Core Image, including updated ATI and NVIDIA graphics drivers
- Finder updates including finding on Kind and using Slideshow
- synchronizing your iDisk with .Mac
- installation reliability
- managing Dashboard widgets
- Address Book, Automator, iCal, iChat, Mail, Safari, and Stickies applications
- compatibility with third party applications and devices
For detailed information on this Update, please visit this website:
For detailed information on Security Updates, please visit this website:
La mise à jour fait 21,5MB et requiert un redémarrage, évidement.
Dernière modification le 12/07/2005 @ 23:17 par Drizzt
Écrit le: 12/07/2005 @ 23:28
Safari ne passe toujours pas le test Acid2. Par contre, FireFox et Internet Explorer non plus
Pour les curieux, le build est 8C46, est uname -a donne :
Darwin 8.2.0 Darwin Kernel Version 8.2.0: Fri Jun 24 17:46:54 PDT 2005; root:xnu-792.2.4.obj~3/RELEASE_PPC Power Macintosh powerpc
Dernière modification le 12/07/2005 @ 23:32