MacOS X 10.4.3
Écrit le 01/11/2005 @ 07:45 par Drizzt
Apple a rendu disponible, via software updates, la mise à jour à MacOS X 10.4.3.
The 10.4.3 Update delivers overall improved reliability and compatibility for Mac OS X v10.4 and is recommended for all users.
It includes fixes for:
- AFP, SMB/CIFS, NFS and FTP network file services
- AirPort and Bluetooth wireless access
- Core Graphics, Core Audio, Core Image, and RAW camera support
- disc recording when creating and burning media
- Mac sync services
- Spotlight indexing and searching
- Dashboard widgets: Dictionary, Flight Tracker, Stickies, and Unit Converter
- Address Book, AppleScript, Automator, Dictionary, Font Book, iCal, iSync, Mail, and Safari applications
- Disk Utility, Keychain Access, Migration Assistant, and Software Update
- compatibility with third party applications and devices
- previous standalone security updates
For detailed information on this Update, please visit this website:
For detailed information on Security Updates, please visit this website:
La mise à jour fait 97MB et requiert un redémarrage.
Écrit le: 01/11/2005 @ 07:47
Selon cet article de MacBidouille, Safari passe le test Acid2 suite à la mise à jour!